Sunday, September 21, 2008

I have no other title except this

As I think most of you all know, the California Supreme Court recently struck down a ban on gay marriage by ruling it unconstitutional. This resulted in quite a numbers of gays and lesbians tying the knot legally.

Today however, I’d like to focus on the marriage of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi. I want to point out to those who are against the ruling, that the GLBT community has come a long way to where they are standing at the moment. Although they are still not accepted by many, and ignored by even more, we can’t disregard the fact that they are still humans. They, like any heterosexual, have feelings too. They come from all walks of life, and they are a significant part of the human race. For those of you who think that who they are, is an abomination, well, who are you to judge?

But getting back to my point, the media has recently published some photos and a video of Ellen and Portia’s wedding. When I viewed them, I was pretty overwhelmed by the emotions that seemed to emanate from the pictures and the video. [Just for learning sake, think nonverbal communication! Nonverbal communication!]

Anyway, take a look at the couple of pictures. Look at their facial expressions, their saccharine smiles at each other. Look at their dreamy gazes at each other! It just screams “I’m so in love with you right now I wish we could just be alone”.

I don’t know about you, but it did make me feel kinda happy and smiley when I saw them! Haha ok, I’m a girl, I can’t help but like sappy romantic stuff.

As you can see, their body language and postures do speak a lot about their love for each other! They give each other hugs, and light touches, conveying their love and support for each other as they go through a rather hectic and big day for them. And as for proxemics - their need for “personal space”- I think I can safely say that if they could they would’ve just been happier sitting on each other’s laps.

I guess I’ll leave you guys with a video of what they did on their wedding day. Take a look at how they interact with each other and with those around them (Especially their nonverbal communication). If you can still say that their marriage is wrong, and that it’s probably a publicity stunt or something…. All I gotta say is just OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOUR MIND.

Just for fun though- not that I’m trying to turn everyone pro-gay- I found this on the internet awhile back and thought it was really funny.

10 reasons why Gay Marriage is Wrong!

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

Pictures and video taken from


Uma said...

Hi Jo! When I clicked on your blog to see if you have posted already, the first thing that caught my eye was Portia de Rossi and I knew this post was going to be good!

When I saw the pictures for the first time on Ellen's website I was smiling throughout. Again, when I see it on your blog I realise I can't stop smiling and feel happy for both of them. Sometimes when we look back at the own photos taken in our lives we feel emotional and appreciate the relationships with one another. This clearly shows how pictures really can say more than a thousand words; that's the beauty of nonverbal communication.

I loved watching the video too, it's so touching! You can just tell how loving they both are by their facial expressions and body language; it's a beautiful sight! Oh and if I'm not wrong, Ellen's brother composed the song for her. How sweet!

Loved the funny 10 reasons why gay marriage is RIGHT! haha especially number 5 and 7. I've always been pro-gay so this just makes me more pro-gay (:

kyun said...

Portia and Ellen! They're a really sweet couple. Can anyone doubt that they are in love, even though they are both females? Just look at the way they interact with each other...I am just so glad for them that they got married. (Plus, Ellen isnt getting any younger too, so it's about time!)

silent reverie said...

HALO Coach Jo!! (=

ha. Wow, they've legalized gay marriages? hmm.. i wonder how Europe's coming along in this area. Or has it already been on for a while?

Portia de Rossi.. was wondering where I've seen her before. Was she in Ally McBeal n Arrested Development? Anyway, I thought Ellen looked really suave in her.. wedding shirt and pants. Portia was just gorgeous in her wedding dress!

Am quite a fan of Ellen's, think she's brilliantly funny. If i'm not wrong, think she's about 50 years old? There was a song a few celebrities came together to sing for her some time back for her big birthday.. and I must admit, I don't really know how do gay relationships work, but like Uma and Kyun before me, I'm just happy for the both of them that they found true love.

You are right, the look on their faces, (esp Ellen's, check out 2:16) says it all. And refering to Uma's comment, did Ellen's bro really compose that song? It's brilliant!

I guess love is one of those things that people express through words, through songs, through actions, through looks, through just about everything else! Weird, people simply can't get enough of it =P Yet looking at the world today, I can't help but wonder if there's still enough to go around...

Anonymous said...

hey jo! :D
omg, totally agreed, there's absolutely nothing wrong with gay/lesbian marriages.
isn't marriage suppose to be with someone you love? so what if it's with the same sex, what matters is you're happy, and hey, as seen in the video, they're darn right happy! :D
happier than some hetro sexual marriages if we must compare.
so i agree, open our minds, open our eyes. (:

to make this more comm like, the nonverbal cues in the video are excellent at portraying the emotions and love of Ellen and Portia. :D

asylum said...

woo hoo!!! Great minds think alike!! :D I guess even though California has legalized gay marriage, many people in the world are still against it. Because of their traditional thinking, a minority of gays are suffering; not allowed to legalize their marriage or to be seen in the open with his or her partner. I feel that if more people were to protest against this ostracizing, we can legalize gay marriage! :)

ShiLing said...

When i first learnt that they were married to each other,i doubted how long can they last with this kind of 'abonormal'?unnatural relationship..

After looking at the pictures,videos on their marriage,how they reacted and feel towards each other,there's just this unknown happiness felt within me and the doubt seems to've disappear.

As long as two person are really into each other,gender issues and all the other labellings and classifications would have matter no more.

I guess this is true love.A love that is not bothered by people's opinions,with only each other in mind.

Jo said...

UNNATURAL?! hahah i'm gonna hit you tomorrow when i see you just so you know..

It's so strange to see that everyone's so supportive! really very strange. Makes me wonder why isn't there more openness in our society then.

Anonymous said...

hey jo!

I agree, they both look so in love! Especially in the video, whenever Ellen looks at her you can just feel the emotion coming through!very touching.

There's this bill called proposition 8 that some politicians are trying to pass, it's against the legalisation of gay marriages! apparently it's supposed to save marriages. I hope voters realise that the proposition will make neither side benefit! Like banning gay marriages will make straight marriages anymore saved right? Like what, they divorce cos of all the gays out there that can be married now? stupid right?

We all know one. said...

O and yes i like your topics. They're refreshing. Thought-invoking. But i hope no more gays/lesbians topics yea... haha or US politics...

I shall be your blogfan for the coming weeks. keep up the good work!

yond :) said...

Great post Jo! Hahah can't believe how sappy you are. Anyhow, like what everyone has said, you could really see the love and feel the adoration between them. Especially the way they gaze at each other!

Ahh, an age old debate.

In response to the previous comment, my personal opinion (yes I lack facts, I philosophize!) is that whatever's natural/normal equates to whatever the majority is doing. What's unnatural is only because it's against the norm, which of course, is influenced by perceptions. When in a single sex school, this issue ceases to become an issue. It's everywhere, such that it becomes a norm. Hence, the acceptance.

"my thinking is that if such a majority would think this way, they couldn't be further away from the 'truth' can they?" Two words - Herd mentality.

If I understood correctly, what was said is that GLBTs are what they are because of they have been emotionally scarred and are therefore feeling like misfits? I agree that we've all felt like misfits before, but the context is different. The extent of maliciousness, criticism etc faced are all different. On a random note(case studies if you will), I know of people who're gay and none have troubled pasts. Troubled futures maybe, at the rate we're going. But pasts? Nahh.

"and when will the accepting stop?" Has it even begun?

Anonymous said...

Ah .. the sweetness of love . I guess this really shows love has no boundaries . From their actions and the pictures , it is very obvious that they are so into each other . All we can do is wish them all the best .

As for homosexual marriages . I guess I am on the fence somehow . Like what you said , they do have feelings too . Though some of us may reject homosexuality , we cant deny them from being together with their loved ones . How would we feel if we cant marry the love of our life ? So , I kinda support it ? But at the same time , doesn't encourage it because .. it just feels weird . U get what I mean ?

Perhaps I'm just not totally ready to accept homosexuals .

Anonymous said...

Actually from far, the wedding photos and video look like just that of any other couple, but on closer look, you realise that its 2 ladies instead of a guy and a girl. I don't deny that from the way that they look at each other, you can tell that they're in love. Anyway I heard that they're even going to adopt kids! Makes me wonder how the kids would feel growing up with two mums.

Arare - Raj said...

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

I lol'd so hard because its true,because there will be some crazy nutcase who will insist in marrying his pet hamster.

To me,the religious zealots are always the cause for this stupidity on being against homosexuals ,they base their communication on a fictitious madman in the sky who writes a fictitious book and gives out fictitious rules.

The cultural stupidity that emanates from Asia in relation to banning homosexual activities(sex and marriage) is also incredibily stupid.

They call it UNATURAL,hell, when a bunch of people are allowed to pierce their bodies and walk on fire carrying something heavy on their backs.

We legalize prostitution but homosexual acts with a consented adults is illegal.

I really do not get where these people get their "rules" and regulations of what is unnatural or not from.Although I got a feeling it might be from religion...sigh.