Saturday, September 13, 2008

we are animals

Watch this video. What do you think it's about? I don't wanna sound like a gameshow host, but the answer may shock you.

Any thoughts? well...

Every now and then, brilliant people in the advertising community come up with some new way to attract viewers to patronize their goods...

But every now and then, the very same people also come up with advertisements that do the very opposite...

Are you confused yet? Thinking "Why is there a corpse?! Was she part of the video? Is it the same girl?? did she die? commit suicide? she looks like she was raped and murdered!"

Depending on you past experiences, your culture and how you interpret what you perceive, you may find that the video and pictures above have either grossed you out completely, intrigued you a lot, or just plainly confused you.

So for your enlightenment, this is the new Wrangler "we are animals" campaign for their jeans.
This was what they said in their press release for this particular campaign:

"In today’s society, our animal instincts are smothered by daily modern life, city-living and constant technological developments. Man is an animal, but he no longer knows it.

Wrangler’s new strategic and creative platform seeks to re-awaken our bottled-up instincts and to encourage who and what we fundamentally are, by putting all that is pure, natural and instinctive back into Man."

I'm not so sure if i go along with how they have chosen to create this campaign based on man's natural instinct and raw emotion. After all, do the above few pictures elicit the urge from you to go buy a pair of their jeans? Maybe protective camping gear, or shampoo, and soap, and maybe a nice top. But jeans? REALLY?

I say this ad is dark, it's edgy, it's animalistic. It's interesting, unique, it certainly captured my attention (more bad than good). But just one question. Have you seen a lion wear jeans?!

I understand the predator and prey vibe that the advertisers have created. But do i "UNDERSTAND" the advertisement as a whole? No i don't.

In my opinion, this ad confuses me. On one hand, we are "animals", we are alive, strong, we are hunters. But on the other, we are... dead? murdered? We look like extras on the set of CSI.

Are the jeans supposed to have caused the animalistic feelings? Turned the people who wear them into wild beings and therefore create a cheap horror show like atmosphere of a camping trip gone wrong? OR are the jeans so darn great we ought to get murdered in them?

Nevertheless, those are just some of my feelings, and perhaps, i have perceived the ads in a totally wrong light. Afterall, I can't help being prejudiced against ads that make females look like they have been sexually assaulted and then dumped face down in water.

This ad wont stop me from buying their jeans, but neither will it make me WANT to buy one.


kyun said...

When I first watched the video, my reaction was, "Huh?" After reading your comments, and seeing the print ads, my "Huh?" reaction was amplified even more.

What were they thinking?? That corpses are hot? That raping and the killing of human beings is fashionable? Were they trying to make their potential customers go, "Hey, I just saw this hot chick at the bar, maybe I should walk over and rape her later on. With my cool trendy jeans."

I simply do not see how this will increase sales, except grabbing attention. But well, I definitely will not buy this brand of jeans. Raping and killing someone is not exactly what I consider cool and acceptable.

johnny knoxville (shawn tay) said...

i didn't know you wear jeans at all jojo.

bagel said...

I thought that the advertisement was rather badly done. Nobody seems to know what the advertisement was about, it's too lengthy and personally, abit too grotesque. In addition, i do not think that it actually succeeds in enticing consumers to want to buy the jeans thsu making it a failed and bad advertisement. While the theme might sound nice, but seriously, who would want to 'renew' their animalistic instinct? overall i agree with the writer that its a rather bad advertisement that's rather incoherant and nonsensical as well.

Letitia said...

ew. it's kinda gross how corpses are portrayed. Very terrifying how these ideas can come about. But, isn't that exactly what they want? These advertises simply want to do something out-of-the-norm, and to cause a stir. They want people to talk about their ad, that itself is already value adding to their advertisement. They may not stir up huge sales for now, but people will know their brand, and i believe that's their aim =)

Anonymous said...

I wasn't able to watch the video but from the pictures and what u wrote, I guess it just might have been an attention grabbing advertisement. If u hadnt say that it's an ad, I would have thought that it's a new tv drama or just another episode of CSI Miami!!! And I don't see the reason why females are usually used in such ads!! I mean, guys can be hot and sexy too right?!?! It's like they are only thinking bout their male customers. I might be wrong but that's what I feel. And jeans definitely is something not to be worn in the wild and in water. So I really don't see a point in this ad other than just pure weird entertainment for the bored.

Anonymous said...

Have to say the vdo was kind of freaking me out.

And after reading the entry, I was like "WHOA! They actually sell the jeans by portraying such images?"

However, I must say that the ad campaign is unique and definately capture attentions from various audiences. And to answer to your question, "nope i havent seen a lion wearing a jean before", lol.

silent reverie said...

Well... it's probably not an ad that i would watch another time, apart from having to watch it again to talk about it.

I think you have done a good job, and it was funny the way you wrote it. With those questions you asked, it's like your eyes were going wide and you're like HUHHHH??? ("We look like extras on the set of CSI." was damn farnie lah.)

Anw, my personal response to the Ad. It's refreshing, but not refreshing in the oh-look-the-sun-is-rising smell-the-fresh-air! kind of refreshing, but it certainly does raise people's curiosity, like what letitia has mentioned.

They were trying to portray animals at a drinking hole, just that this time instead of animals,they used humans. Hmm, putting such a natural setting, replacing animals with humans, and pairing humans with jeans, yea, they did bring across a certain sense that perhaps jeans and people go together naturally.

Given a choice to vote between differnt ads for jeans, i don't think i'll vote this too high. Then again whether i like an ad or not, when i go to a shop, the reasonableness of the price is still the major-est factor for me.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Is this advertisement really that bad to everyone?

Isn't the world always looking for something creative and wonderful?

Now that it has such an example, the majority of us that makes up the human populace is shunning it?

This advertisement has done well in it's objective. To bring attention to the brand's campaign and to show the power and rawness of their jeans.

In my opinion, it's you people who don't know how to appreciate good work.

Uma said...

Okayyy haha to me the video was nothing related to jeans and what's up with the slogan 'we are animals'?! It's a really strange advertisement. Should it even be considered as an advertisement for jeans? I certainly don't think so.

But it's interesting in the sense that it's out of the norm and that's precisely why people will remember the advertisement and the brand. People will definitely be talking about it and as such it makes the brand more popular. So in the end the brand would have grabbed lots of attention from people and gain success from it. Sales might even soar to greater heights!

Anonymous said...

I seriously think this advertisement is -_- .

After watching it I definitely would not want to buy their jeans . It just create a .. weird image I have of that brand of jeans now .

But it does show what kind of interesting views some people have about the rest of the world .

But unlike what Wrangler said , I don't have any bottled-up animal instinct of rolling around in marshlands .

Anonymous said...

Hi jo!

I've nvr seen your writing b4! hahah quite nice!

I dun like jeans so the pics are quite irrelavant to me. I dun feel disgusted or whatever, actually right, it's quite interesting! better than those weird cheesy levis ads. oh well, see u soon!

Anonymous said...

see, advertisers use all kinds of methods to advertise their products. you name it, you have it.
i never would have thought it was some advertisement for jeans. it looked more like a scene out of a horror movie. attention-grabbing, this is. this ad does not entice me to buy their jeans at all.

Arare - Raj said...

We are animals. =P
Hell we are the only species that kills,rape,torture other species for shits and giggles.

I like the add.I like the shock value.The the only way to stand apart in a whole plagued by the cultural norm of doing everything the "same old way".It gets really boring.And considering I really hate advertisements interrupting my shows,this one would be interesting at least.

And it makes sit down and ponder about a disturbing subject.I like pondering on......disturbing subjects.